Betamethasone Phosphate for the Prevention of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in Preterm Newborns
Preterm labor, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Prevention, BetamethasoneAbstract
Background: preterm birth, defined as birth before 37 weeks of gestation, has a substantial impact on global health, impacting an estimated 5% to 18% of newborns worldwide.
Objective: To assess the effect of betamethasone phosphate administration throughout the prenatal period as a method for inducing pulmonary fetal maturity.
Patients and method: Retrospective analysis of the database of neonates born in the maternity ward of the 2 Hospitals, within the gestational age between 24-34 weeks, from January 2021 to March 2023. This is compiled simultaneously with birth until hospitable discharge, the gestational age is established according to the last menstrual period and by early ultrasound. The administration of betamethasone phosphate 12 mg IM to any patient with symptoms of premature labor that requires braking, premature labor, imminent labor or indication of termination of pregnancy due to fetal causes and /or maternal.
Results: A decrease in the incidence in the groups that received corticosteroids compared to of the untreated group, being 18.7%, 25.7%, 32.7% for groups A, B and C respectively, decrease in severe RDS stands out by 2.5 times (16.8% versus 6.7%) when comparing group, a that received the 2 doses of betamethasone phosphate against group C that did not receive corticosteroids, significant decrease in RDS in group A of 43% (RR= 0.57; 95% CI). = 0.42-0.78) compared to group C with p<0.001.
Conclusion: This treatment approach results in a significant decrease (p<0.001) in the occurrence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). The efficacy of betamethasone phosphate is comparable to that of betamethasone acetate/phosphate when administered in equivalent doses.
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