Surgical treatment of Pilonidal Sinuses Comparison of Two Approaches-Clinical Study of 3-year practice
Pilonidal Sinuses, Pathogenesis, treatment, surgical options, Limberg Flap, Primary ClosureAbstract
Pilonidal sinus usually develops in young males between 15 – 35 years and it can also been occurs in older. The treatment of choice for the pilonidal cyst must have a minimum rate of recurrence and a short period of postoperative convalescence. Among the different surgical techniques, the use of local flaps, and particularly the Limberg flap, have shown better results with lower recurrence rates. This study aimed to assess the outcome of treatment of Pilonidal Sinuses comparing Limberg Flap versus Excision with Primary Closure Procedures. Therefore, a retrospective study conducted in our Hospital . Included 120 patients who presented with PNS for the period 2017 to 2019 . Patients were assigned into two groups , each with 60 patients. First group were operated on by excision of sacrococcygeal sinus and local rhomboid flap was used to close the defect primarily. Group 2 included were operated on by excision of sacrococcygeal sinus only to be healed by secondary intention . Both groups were followed up for a period of about 10 -12 months, postoperatively. Findings revealed that rhomboid closure technique was found to be a useful technique for the treatment of pilonidal sinus with favorable results regarding the time before return to work. New prospective studies are required and controlled with long-term follow-up to evaluate the best alternative in the treatment of PNS.
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