Preoperative Preparation of patients with Coronary Heart Disease Before Non-Cardiac Surgery


  • Fiona C. Caldwell, Ava M. Davis, Elijah M. Mitchell


Coronary heart disease, risk assessment, Preoperative preparation, non-cardiac surgery


Objective: This study aimed to review the preoperative preparation strategies for patients with coronary
heart disease (CHD) undergoing non-cardiac surgery, focusing on optimizing perioperative outcomes and
reducing cardiac complications.
Methods: A review was conducted to identify studies and guidelines related to the preoperative
management of patients with CHD before non-cardiac surgery. Key points including risk assessment, medical
optimization, pharmacological interventions, and perioperative monitoring were analyzed.
Results: Preoperative preparation of patients with CHD involves a multifaceted approach. Risk assessment
tools, such as the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) and the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines, aid in stratifying patients' cardiac risk. Medical optimization may include
optimizing blood pressure control, managing antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications, and ensuring
adequate glycemic control. Pharmacological interventions such as beta-blockers and statins may be utilized
when indicated. Perioperative monitoring, including electrocardiography and troponin measurement, helps
detect myocardial ischemia or infarction.
Conclusion: Preoperative preparation plays a vital role in reducing cardiac complications in patients with
CHD undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Individualized risk assessment, medical optimization, and careful
perioperative monitoring are crucial in optimizing outcomes. Collaboration among cardiologists,
anesthesiologists, and surgeons is essential for comprehensive preoperative management.


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How to Cite

Fiona C. Caldwell, Ava M. Davis, Elijah M. Mitchell. (2024). Preoperative Preparation of patients with Coronary Heart Disease Before Non-Cardiac Surgery. Academic Journal of Clinicians, 6(2), 14–26. Retrieved from