Hypocalcemia after Total Thyroidectomy
Hypocalcaemia, total thyroidectomy, risk factors.Abstract
Background: Hypocalcaemia is an important complication post thyroidectomy, with a significant short, and long term morbidity. Reported rates of hypocalcemia vary in the literature from 5-50%; the pathophysiology is not well understood but is thought to be related to transient ischemia to the parathyroid glands, iatrogenic injury, or excision of parathyroid glands.
Objective: To assess the frequency, and factors associated with post total thyroidectomy hypocalcaemia.
Patients and methods: A prospective cross sectional study included126 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for different thyroid diseases in the Surgical Department of Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital from (1st of October 2015) to (1s of October 2016), and Evaluation for Post- Operative Hypocaicaemia.
Results: Post total thyroidectomy hypocalcaemia occurred in 20.6% of the patients, factors associated with post thyroidectomy hypocalcemia were neoplastic diseases (p-0.003), and hyperthyroid diseases (p-0.001); all of them were symptomatic and responded well to calcium supplementation.
Conclusions: Hypocalcemia occurred more frequently among hyperthyroid, and neoplastic goiters.
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